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Audiobook Speed Calculator | Find Audiobook Length

Use the free Audiobook Speed Calculator to easily calculate the playback time of your audiobooks and podcasts. Perfect for adjusting speeds and estimating listening time.

0 hours 0 minutes

Find Audiobook Playback Speed with Audiobook Calculator

Welcome to our Audiobook Speed Calculator, it is a tool created to calculate audiobook time. It helps you to improve your audiobook experience. With this audiobook calculator, you can set the playback speed as per your preferences. 

Simply figure out the time by changing the speed. Some audiobooks are lengthy and you do not have that much time to listen, then increase the audio speed accordingly.

Let's explore the tool and calculate the audiobook speed at different speeds. And know the spending time.

Uses of Audiobook Time Calculator?

  • Manage Your Time: You can plan your time better with this calculator. For example quick finish and multitasking 
  • Listen at Your Speed: Customize your playback speed, one likes to listen at 1.25x or 1.5x, and someone likes to slow at  0.75x.
  • Quick and Easy: You can simply calculate the playback speed. Just enter your preferences.

Guide to Use Audiobook Speed Calculator

This audio speed calculator is straightforward to use.

  1. Go to the: Audiobook Speed Calculator.
  2. Enter the Total Time: Type the total time for how long the audiobook is at normal speed.
  3. Choose Your Speed: Enter the speed you want to listen at (like 1.25x or 1.5x).
  4. See the Results: Click the button to find out how much time you’ll save or add.

Calculated Audiobook Playback Speeds

Total Time (hrs)Total Time (mins)Slower SpeedSlower Speed (mins)Faster SpeedFaster Speed (mins)Time Saved (hrs)Time Saved (mins)
6 hrs 10 mins3700.80x4621.25x2961.2474
4 hrs 45 mins2850.90x3171.50x1901.5895
3 hrs 25 mins2050.75x2731.75x1171.4788
2 hrs 50 mins1700.85x2001.25x1360.5734
2 hrs 20 mins1400.70x2001.50x930.7847
1 hr 55 mins1150.85x1351.25x920.3823
1 hr 35 mins950.75x1271.75x540.6841
1 hr 10 mins700.80x881.50x470.3823
45 mins450.85x531.25x360.159
30 mins300.75x402.00x150.2515

Cool Features of the Audiobook Speed Calculator

  • Time Saver: Quickly see how much time you'll save by speeding up or slowing down.
  • Simple to Use: Just a few steps, and you get your answer.
  • Accurate: Gives you the exact time based on your chosen speed.

Explore the Other Calculator Tools

There are many other tools from our randomgenerator.ai, you must need to try!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this calculator for podcasts?

Yes! The Audiobook Speed Calculator works great for podcasts too. Just enter the total time of your podcast and pick your speed.

What speeds do people like the most?

Most people like 1.25x or 1.5x because they save time but still understand everything.

Will the narrator's voice sound weird if I speed it up?

A little bit, but modern technology makes sure the voice still sounds good, even at faster speeds.

How accurate is this tool?

The Audiobook Speed Calculator gives you very accurate results based on the time and speed you choose.


Whether you like to listen fast or slow, the Audiobook Speed Calculator helps you find how much time you’ll spend listening. It’s easy to use and works for both audiobooks and podcasts. Try it out and see how you can save time or enjoy your favorite stories even more!